2019 SE ETA Conference Schedule


Friday, September 6, 2019

Duke University, McClendon Auditorium;
100 Fuqua Dr, Durham, NC 27708 

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm: Introduction to ETA and Search (Optional) 

This session is designed to be an introduction to ETA for any conference attendees that are not familiar with the overall concept or want to learn more about ETA before the Saturday sessions. This session will cover: What is ETA? History of ETA? Different Approaches to ETA? 

6:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Networking

open to all conference attendees + Search CEO guests, Conference Organizers, Sponsors and Speakers


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Duke University, Geneen Auditorium;
100 Fuqua Dr, Durham 27708 

8:00 am – 8:30 am: Registration & Check-In 

8:30 am – 9:30 am: So You Really Want to be a CEO? 

This session is designed to challenge attendees to understand if they have the right skillset, temperament, and experience to be a CEO of a small or mid-sized business. Based on historical data, the average search will last about 1.5 years while the average search CEO will run the business for 7 years. It’s really critical to know you’ll be a good CEO before ever deciding if you want to be a searcher. We know from the research that people that own and run their own companies are a unique breed. It’s not a career for everyone but for those that have the right stuff it’s a great career. 

This session will provide attendees with access to research and other tools that will help the potential searcher answer the two questions: do I have the right stuff to be a CEO? do I really want to be a CEO? 

9:30 am – 10:45 am: Which Search Model is Right for Me? 

This session is designed to help potential searchers to determine the appropriate model for their search and acquisition process. This panel session will be led by a moderator that will provide an overview of the established models: traditional search, search accelerator, captive search, PE backed search, and self-funded. The moderator will explain the differences between these models and then open up the discussion for the panel to debate the pros and cons of these various models. We are looking for very strong, opinionated advocates for each model. We want attendees to start to think about the models and which one fits best with their backgrounds, style and target industries. 

10:45 am – 11:00 am: Break 

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: The Search Process 

This session will feature 3 case studies by successful searchers outlining how they found their companies. We will highlight the reality of search – it’s really hard work, fraught with risk and has no guarantee of success. No matter which search model you choose it will require lots of resilience and patience along the way. These presentations should give potential searchers a solid understanding of what it’s really like to spend 18-24 months looking for a company to acquire – what will you be doing? how will you be doing it? who will you be doing it with you? What it will feel like? We will also delve into some key decisions that you will need to make before you start on this journey, such as differentiating your fund and investors, or positioning and selling yourself to owners and operators. 

The second part of the session will be led by a moderator and will debate different approaches and techniques that can be used in search: 

● regional vs national vs international 

● broker based search vs proprietary 

● narrow industry segments vs broad industry segments 

● face to face vs marketing automation 

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm: Lunch

1:15 pm – 2:15 pm: The Art of the Deal – Finding What Works 

This session is designed to teach potential searchers about negotiations and deal making. This is one of the hardest aspects of search for any potential searcher to master. Most searchers end up messing up good deals because they don’t know how to navigate this process. We will introduce frameworks and tools that will be helpful as they think about how to approach negotiations, structure a deal and work to keep alignment as the deal progresses to close. We will hear from leading experts who work with the searchers and other buyers. They will focus on how to get deals done using legal and negotiation tips, and knowing how to spot potential pitfalls and opportunities. 

2:15 pm – 2:30 pm: Break 

2:30 pm – 3:15 pm: Landmines and Hand Grenades – Navigating Due Diligence 

In this session the speakers will walk through the diligence process and how to most effectively use the diligence process to locate and defuse landmines and hand grenades before the deal is done and it’s too late. We’ll discuss how to effectively manage a due diligence process to mitigate downside risks for the transaction. We will discuss the use of frameworks and checklists within due diligence. We’ll talk about the potential impact of unaddressed concerns, issues and risks searchers skipped in their process and avoiding those same mistakes in your search. 

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm: Wrap-Up – Walker Deibel, Author of Buy then Build 

Walker is the bestselling author of Buy Then Build: How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game, published by Lioncrest. 

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Getting Started in Search 

This session would be a short tactical wrap-up of the full conference. By this point in the agenda some attendees should have decided that they want to pursue a search and that now is the right time in their career to pursue a search. This session would highlight the potential next steps individuals should take to get started on this path. 

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Cocktails & Networking Session